Two calls have just been launched on NEF animation website for the international residency program for animated films at the Abbey of Fontevraud (France).
Applications for October 2024 residency (+ for foreign candidates, for April 2025 residency) can be sent until March 2, 2024.

NEF Animation is a non-profit association dedicated to research and creation in animation. It gathers professionals from a wide range of disciplines: authors, directors, producers, distributors, students, teachers, cultural mediators and institutions.

Its missions include :

  • providing aid for creation and the emergence of young talent (through international residencies)
  • sharing experiences and ideas (through workshops, professional gatherings, masterclasses…)
  • fostering the study and research of animation (through symposiums…)
  • collecting and providing resources for a better knowledge of animated film

NEF Animation receives support from the CNC (French National Center for Cinema and the Moving Image), the French Ministry of culture and communication and the French Region Pays de la Loire. It also benefits from a broad commitment of various partners.


Among its missions, NEF Animation supports the writing and the creative research in the field of animated film by developping artist residency programs that encourage international mobility. The International Residency for Animated Films is hosted and coproduced by the Royal Abbey of Fontevraud, one of the most important sites of the Loire valley (France).

The International Residency for Animated Films allows authors to immerse themselves one month into their work without caring about material constraints in a peaceful and inspiring atmosphere and enable them to meet and exchange with other artists in residency.

Since its creation, the residency has already welcomed more than animation filmmakers and artists from 45 different countries.

Authors can apply with any personal projects of short, medium or full length animated films. Project of animated film in new or hybrid formats (artistic installation, virtual reality, transmedia, video-mapping, TV series or TV special, animated documentary, etc.) are also accepted.

This residency program receives the financial support of the French Ministry of Culture and Communication, through the «Odyssée» program of the Association of Cultural Encounter Centres (ACCR). It is also supported by the French Region Pays de la Loire, the French Ministry of Culture, the CNC and the SACD.

The call for applications for a residency in October 2024 or in April 2025 is currently open. Artists can apply before March 2 2024. The jury will deliberate in early May.

Website for apply: