Open Call Grafixx zine fest

Grafixx organises a new open call for artists, collectives and publishers worldwide, asking them to send in their publications for sale at the zine fest of the twelfth edition of Grafixx festival (November 22—24, 2024).

In 2024, our yearly festival on illustration, drawing and comics takes place November 22-23-24. Grafixx once again invites artists from all over the world to share their work through live performances, lectures, exhibitions, hands-on workshops, screenings and a signature zine fest, where independent artists, collectives and publishers present their publications. Next to a curated selection of tables, Grafixx also calls on artists to mail over their work for the communal table, managed by our staff. Grafixx does not charge any commission for sales, participation is free, and all proceeds go entirely to the participant.

Do you think your publications would be a good fit to send in to our festival?

DEADLINE: 1st of May, 2024 at 23:59h CET

Anyone can apply! There’s only one condition: you must have at least 5 publications for sale. Other than that, there are no specific requirements. Do keep in mind that the focus of the festival is the narrative image (comics, illustration, drawing).

Please answer the questions below. Applications that do not comply (e.g. maximum file size) will not be taken into consideration.

After closing the Open Call, a jury of experts will make a selection. Selected applicants will be contacted with more precise information by the end of May. Keep an eye on your spam mailbox and our social media!



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