The association Polycopies & Co. was established in 2022 to bring together collectors and fans of photography books. With a keen interest in the future of photography publications, its projects promote and support photographers. To this end, the association awards one or more grants each year to support a photographer to produce a book or to contribute financially to a photography
project that will result in the publication of a book.

Polycopies & Co. wishes to help a photographer promote their work and photographic practices through the publication of a monograph. This grant is designed to encourage and showcase the photographic work of a professional photographer who needs financial support to produce a published work. The sum of the grant awarded to the candidate selected by the jury will be set each year by the administrative board in line with the association’s financial resources. Polycopies & Co. may award more than one grant per year.

The association will award a grant to a photographer for a book project or offer a financial contribution to a project whose principal output will be a book. The sum awarded will be €2,500, €5,000, or €10,000 depending on the project’s budget.
Those who wish to submit an application must meet the following criteria:
 French or foreign professional photographer
 The book project must be proposed by the photographer who is required to have an agreement with a publisher (contract, letter of intent or recommendation)

For book projects, the association will pay the grant to the photographer selected by the jury upon signing a book contract with a publisher. For projects in progress, the association will pay the grant to the photographer selected by the jury in the January following the jury’s decision.

Each applicant, together with a publisher, must send their application in one PDF document with the following filename format: SURNAME_FIRSTNAME. All applications must include:
 A CV and a short biography
 A portfolio containing the photographs intended for publication (photos with captions) and/or a portfolio representative of the photographer’s work
 A statement of intent by the photographer
 A letter of intent from the publisher representing the project, if applicable

Applications can be sent throughout the year to in PDF format only, maximum file size of 50 MB (note: to avoid links expiring, we do not accept files sent via WeTransfer). Projects will be assessed each trimester. If we are interested in supporting your project, a member of the association will contact you and you may need to provide additional
information. Draft or paper applications are not accepted.

No deadline

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