The Publisher Work Grant offers funding to independent presses with a history of artists’ book publishing, acknowledging awardees’ accomplishments in past work and providing the capacity-building funds to enable future book projects and publisher sustainability. The program aims to strengthen an ecosystem of publishing practices that champion experimental artist-driven books, investing in culturally vital work that falls outside of mainstream support and distribution channels. In 2024, three unrestricted grants of $10,000 USD will be awarded to three independent artists’ book publishers. The selected publishers will also have the opportunity for a featured exhibitor presence at a forthcoming Printed Matter NY or LA Art Book Fair.

Applications will be reviewed by Printed Matter and a guest jury, taking into account past work of the imprint, the strength of upcoming projects outlined, and the potential impact of the award.

Learn more about eligibility and see the FAQ at

Applications open July 8, 2024 via Submittable, and will close September 9, 2024, 11:59PM. There is no cost to apply.

What do you mean by “artists’ book”?
Printed Matter’s mission focuses specifically on publication projects that consider the book as a site for an artists’ practice, and we are interested in books that generally are conceived of as artworks in their own right—inclusive of the many broad and varied perspectives on what this can mean. Please explore the Printed Matter website and our catalog to learn more about artists’ publications and the work of the organization.

What type of press is eligible?
Eligible imprints should be published with an “independent spirit,” and will generally be small in scale without major, ongoing, distribution support. A typical print run for your press might be in the range of 200-2000 copies. Entities that are commercially run and exclusively publish client work are not eligible, though studios that additionally publish the work of artists under their own imprint are welcome to apply.

This Grant is intended specifically for publishers of artists’ books and is not generally suited for imprints who predominantly work with fiction, non-fiction, poetry, catalogs of artwork, monographs, limited edition, deluxe, or hand-crafted book objects, as these are outside the program’s scope. That said we also recognize these categories are often fluid, and we are interested in innovative and hybrid approaches to working across genres.

Note that current employees and interns (as well as former employees/interns within a year of departure) are not eligible for consideration. Past collaborators of the organization are welcome to submit.

I am based outside of the United States, am I eligible?
The Grant is open to both US-based and international publishers.

I am an artist looking to publish a book of my work, can I apply?
This grant is intended to support small independent publishers, and is not suitable for artist applicants who are looking to fund a project of their own work. Artists who have an active publishing practice which includes releasing the work of others are welcome to apply.

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