Qua Literary and Fine Arts Magazine is a student-run publication of the University of Michigan-Flint. Founded over 50 years ago, we invite submissions of Fiction, Creative Nonfiction, Poetry, Visual Arts, Photography, etc. from anyone living in the state of Michigan.
No submission fees.
Qua Literary & Fine Arts Magazine accepts submissions from anyone living in the great state of Michigan. We accept Poetry, Prose, and Art submissions.
Please remove any name or signature from your work* or we will be forced to void your submission.
*For art submissions, upon acceptance into the magazine, we will ask for the unedited version of your work with your signature.
Please use 12 point Times New Roman font. Prose should be typed double-spaced; poems may be either single- or double-spaced. Simultaneous submissions are accepted, but please inform us immediately if your work is accepted elsewhere.
Poetry: up to three submissions
Prose, Non-fiction: up to three submissions with a maximum of 5 pages per submission
Prose, Fiction: up to three submissions with a maximum of 5 pages per submission
Visual Art: up to three submissions
Please add a prefix-title to your work for the category you are submitting to (for example, Poem:Title). You can either submit multiple in one document, or submit separate documents.
For the Fall 2023 issue, all submissions must be made by November 1st here: go.umflint.edu/quamagazinesubmission.
Website link: Submission | Qua Literary and Fine Arts Magazine (umflint.edu)