2025 RAIR Open Call applications are open August 1-September 30.

apply today

Learn about our current residents here

WE STRONGLY ENCOURAGE APPLICANTS TO REGISTER FOR A TOUR OF THE SITE BEFORE APPLYING. Tour dates are now available, sign up for in-person or Virtual tours today. if you cannot make the scheduled tour dates, you can still WATCH THE RECORDING OF A PREVIOUS SITE TOUR here.

RAIR offers residents a $1000 stipend as well as free studio space, access to waste materials, and assistance from RAIR staff. Travel and housing reimbursements are available to artists outside the region. A modest project budget is made available for projects that require additional support


RAIR has 2 residency programs: THE STANDARD RESIDENCY and THE BIGGIE SHORTIE. Both are given access to Revolution Recovery’s waste stream as well as access to RAIR’s staff- who work closely with all residents.

 THE BIGGIE SHORTIE: a shorter, project based residency. Big project in a short amount of time. The flexible nature of Biggie Shorties allow for projects to be customized to fit each residency. 


2-4 Weekends
March- November

*minimum of 20 hours per week 

Weekends 9am-9pm*

*additional site visits and/or material collecting visits may be scheduled


Partial access to project space tools and equipment. Some ability to store materials onsite.  No private studio.

Professional Benefits:

Assistance with project documentation
Studio visits and interviews Open studio event, on-site or off-site exhibition
Opportunities for public programming, workshops, talks, screenings, etc.

 THE STANDARD RESIDENCY: a longer, more traditional studio based program. Standard residents are given access to waste materials and a studio and project space. 


4-6 Weeks
March- November

working hours: 
*minimum of 20 hours per week 

Weekdays 7am-5:30pm* 
Weekends 9am-4pm*
*additional hours can be scheduled if needed

Shop/studio access:

Full access to shop, project space and private studio.

Professional Benefits:

Assistance with project documentation
Studio visits and interviews Open studio event, on-site or off-site exhibition
Opportunities for public programming, workshops, talks, screenings, etc.

We’re excited to introduce the 2025 Jury Panel

Paper Buck, James Maurelle, and Amy Sadao

Learn more about the Jurors


Applications are open from Thursday, August 1 until Monday, September 30 at 11:59 pm EST. Applicants will be notified in 2025.


Residencies are open to all emerging and mid career artists based nationally and internationally. Applicants must be 21 years of age or older and not be actively enrolled in a college or university program during the time of residency.


10  WORK SAMPLES: images or video *refer to submittable application for file specifications

PROJECT PROPOSAL: max 500 words 

REFERENCES: 3 names and contact information of people who can speak to the rigor of your work



Residency F.A.Q.

Residents are strongly encouraged to attend a tour before applying to the program. Live Zoom and in person tours with a Q&A session will be scheduled and made available here. If you cannot make a tour, please make time to watch a previously recorded virtual tour here.

RAIR prides itself in addressing the individual needs and circumstances of all Individuals interested in the program on a case by case basis. For any questions about accessibility please directly contact Creative Director, Billy Dufala who will personally address all needs and accommodations.  We look forward to working with you every step of the way to assure a safe and productive time at RAIR.

2025 applications

Website link: https://www.rairphilly.org/for-applicants