Rational Inattention Open Call

In our modern society we find ourselves navigating a world where reality often appears distorted, a phenomenon extending beyond the confines of social media to reflect wider societal trends.

Our lives, increasingly depicted as more enchanting than reality, are shaped by selective sharing and enhanced virtual experiences. These curated slices of life foster transient joys, underpinned by superficial validations that overlook the complexities and imperfections inherent in our lives.

Echo chambers, a concept intrinsically tied to our digital experiences, amplify this by reinforcing pre-existing beliefs and creating an illusion of consensus.

This deceptive uniformity masks the diverse and often challenging perspectives that are crucial for our growth and understanding. The connectivity we experience online often lacks depth, leading to a paradoxical sense of isolation despite the facade of social abundance.

︎ what: collective pubblication
︎ who: no restrictions
︎ when: to be announced (TBA)
︎ where: –
︎ submission fee: 25 $ 
︎ deadline: 30 April 2024
︎ announcement of selected works: 20 May 2024

Photographers, artists, authors, and designers from anywhere in the world can submit their work, without any limitations on age, approach, or technique.

Whether it is a single photo, a series, a drawing, or mixed-media, anything that can be printed on paper is acceptable for submission.

“Rational Inattention” calls for artists to create works that reflect on the echoes within our society – selective awareness, cognitive biases, and the conscious decisions we make about what to acknowledge or ignore in our complex world.

Artists are encouraged to interpret this theme broadly, offering their unique perspectives on how repetitive patterns, societal influences, and collective behaviours are visually represented in our world.

Submissions should critically examine the allure of digital utopias, inspire to uncover and visually express the hidden layers of everyday life, focusing on the unseen or ignored elements of our existence. 

We seek submissions that explore into the relationship between selective perception and societal complexities.
The goal is to create a visual language that represent the influence of our attention choices on both personal and collective experiences, encouraging a deeper engagement with the nuances of human perception and societal dynamics.

This call for creativity encourages exploration of the vast ramifications of selective awareness, from individual experiences to global contexts.

1. Reflection 2. Society 3. Culture 4. Superficiality 5. Patterns 6. Influence 7. Behavior 8. Connectivity 9. Liberation

This overview is intended to provide context, not to limit your artistic expression. You may choose to focus on any single aspect of these themes/keywords. Should the curators deem it necessary, you will be asked for additional text to contextualise your submission.

While creating your submissions, focus on interpreting the theme symbolically. The importance lies in exploring these concepts in a way that resonates with you personally, rather than a direct depiction of the call. DO NOT FOCUS SOLELY ON THE SNS ASPECT OF THE CALL.

Selected participants
Selected artists will have their work featured in the upcoming book. Additionally, artists will be invited to participate in related events, such as exhibitions or promotional activities.

The final size, design, and other details of the print edition of the book will be shaped by the submissions we receive.At this point, we cannot provide specifics about the final book.

Alongside the book release, we are planning to organize promotional activities and at least one exhibition featuring selected works.

We will keep you informed about these developments as they progress.

> For any inquiry regarding this open call write to: opencalls @ zrfdbck.com

> To ensure to keep you updated, all email addresses provided by submitters will be added to the “Rational Inattention” mailing list.

Website link: https://zrfdbck.com/rational-inattention

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Event Details
  • Start Date
    March 1, 2024 8:00 am
  • End Date
    April 30, 2024 12:00 am
  • Status
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Event Details
  • Start Date
    March 1, 2024 8:00 am
  • End Date
    April 30, 2024 12:00 am
  • Status
  • Location
  • Price
  • Category