We are excited to announce a new project that we are undertaking, working with emerging artists and creatives in all sorts of disciplines. If you want to make something wonderful inspired by Jane Austen’s life, works or legacy, we want to hear from you!

Last year, our residency programme Painting and Poetry saw us welcome eight brilliant young artists and writers to undertake a digital residency at Jane Austen’s House. We were delighted by the works our residents produced – from spooky animations and charming iPad illustrations to beautiful (and tasty) biscuit artworks!

Building on these, we are now delighted to be launching a new series of artistic residencies, funded by Art Fund. Our Reimagine Residencies programme will run from Autumn 2022 – Winter 2023, and we’re on the lookout for emerging artists and creatives in all sorts of disciplines to take part – from art, design and drama to food, film and photography!

We have six residencies available, to take place in 2023. Dates, times and projects are all flexible. We are open to in-person residencies here in Chawton, or virtual residencies that you complete from home, or a mixture of the two! (We’d love to see you in Chawton at some point though, if possible!)


If you are an artist or creative, emerging in your field, and are interested in and inspired by Jane Austen’s work (you don’t need to be an Austen expert, but an interest in her work, life or times is important), we’d love to hear from you! Download the brief to find out more…


• Applications for residencies in May – August 2023 must be received by 3 April 2023
• Applications for residencies in September – December 2023 must be received 1 August 2023
NB: If we like your application but our residencies for the slot you apply for are full, we’ll hold it for the next slots. No penalties for applying early!

website: Reimagine Residencies: call for creatives! | Jane Austen’s House (janeaustens.house)