The theme of this anthology is Horror and Ghost Stories

Dive into the realm of spine-tingling tales with our “Horror & Ghost Stories” Short Stories Anthology!

Calling all writers and storytellers: Unleash your creativity and send us your most chilling narratives. Whether it’s a haunting ghostly encounter or a bone-chilling horror twist, we want to be captivated by your words. Best part? Entry is absolutely FREE!

Don’t miss your chance to be a part of this eerie anthology.

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Thank you for your interest in submitting to the Skobeloff Short Story Anthology. We are thrilled to read your creative and imaginative short stories. Before you submit, please carefully review the following guidelines and instructions.

The aim of the Skobeloff Short Story Anthology is to spotlight lesser known fiction writers in the UK. Although the submission is open worldwide, we will focus primarily on UK entries.

Each short story should be between 1,000 and 5,000 words. We encourage writers to be concise and impactful in their storytelling.

Submissions should be in Microsoft Word or OpenOffice/LibreOffice format (.doc, .docx or .odt) and adhere to standard manuscript formatting guidelines. Use a legible font (e.g., Times New Roman, Arial) and double spacing.

Include a cover page with your submission. The cover page should contain the story’s title, your pen name (if applicable), and contact information (email address and phone number). This information is for administrative purposes only and will not be shared publicly.

Writers are welcome to submit multiple short stories for consideration, but please send each submission as a separate entry. We cannot guarantee every submission will be included in the anthology.

By submitting your short story, you grant Skobeloff Publishing the non-exclusive right to publish your work if selected. However, all rights revert to the author upon publication. Skobeloff Publishing reserves the right to make any alterations to stories during the editing process, however all changes will be discussed with the author before publication. By submitting, you accept full responsibility for any copyright claims that may arise in relation to your submission. You agree that the content you submit is entirely yours, and you have the right to distribute it.

The submission window is now open and closes on 10 September 2023, 23:59 BST. Submissions received after the deadline will not be considered.

Submission of works is entirely free, however that also means at this point in time we cannot pay authors for their work either. One copy of the published anthology will be sent to each published author.

Website link: Skobeloff Publishing