General Admissions Information

For over seven decades, Skowhegan has offered artists the opportunity to engage fully with their studio practice, with their peers, and with distinguished faculty and mentors in its nine-week intensive and residential program. The experience of living and working exclusively alongside other artists has proven to be transformative time and time again. Skowhegan’s 350-acre rural campus, the dedication of its staff to supporting the creative process, and the diverse community of artists who gather as participants and faculty each summer serve as catalysts for expansive thinking, material experimentation, and a broadened perspective on the world from which we all derive our creative work.

Time Commitment

All participants, faculty, and staff live and work on campus and are provided with studio space and technical support for their work. There is no traditional instructional component to the program; each participants’ time is their own. However, we ask that all participants commit to being open to the wide range of practices offered by the larger community on campus.

Because the program focuses on process, experimentation, and an opening up of one’s practice,  participants are encouraged to come prepared to work without a preconceived agenda or schedule. We strongly advise against using the time to prepare for an upcoming exhibition. Each participant must commit to being in residence for the full nine-week session from mid-June to mid-August. Absences from the program to fulfill other professional commitments are not permitted.

Tuition, Fees and Financial Assistance

Skowhegan ensures that all accepted artists can attend Skowhegan, regardless of financial status. Tuition for Skowhegan’s nine-week program is $6,000 USD. If admitted, all participants will also be required to pay an additional $75 activities fee. The goal of Skowhegan’s financial assistance program is to ensure that ANY artist who is accepted into the program may participate, regardless of their ability to pay. However, in order to qualify for financial aid, you must complete your financial aid application form in full and as accurately as possible. The financial aid application form can be found within the general Skowhegan application. Financial aid awards are designed specifically for each admitted person based on the information shared in the application. Applicants will have the opportunity to apply for a self-determined amount of financial aid through the online application, but you must also provide information on income and expenses when you complete your form. (Step 5 of the Skowhegan Application). While it is not Skowhegan’s goal to contribute to mounting debt, in order to make the experience possible for everyone, please only request what you need.

Financial need should not deter artists from applying for admission. Skowhegan is committed to finding meaningful financial aid for all of those who are admitted to the program. We encourage you to apply regardless of your financial situation.

Each person who is accepted will be offered a financial aid package on acceptance based upon financial materials submitted with the application. As with everything at Skowhegan, we keep an open door policy to discussing individual financial aid. If accepted, you will have the opportunity, if needed, to discuss your financial aid package with Skowhegan’s Director.

To learn more including information on Scholarships and Fellowships, visit the Tuition & Financial Assistance page.

Application Fee Schedule

$20 USD: November 15–December 01
$50 USD: December 02–15
$65 USD: December 16–January 02
$80 USD: January 03-05


January 05, 2024 11:59 P.M. EST (UTC -5:00)

Website and apply link: