STAY SOFT Residency

It is immensely important in times like these to be soft, to remain soft, or to relearn to be soft.
We invite you to experiment with the statement STAY SOFT.
Show us insight into your creative processes – unabashedly, without shame, honest, and direct.

Deadline: 6.1.2024 

Contemplate and work in your artistic practice.
If your expression doesn’t fit in an envelope, please document it digitally and send it to us via email only. We do not accept CDs, DVDs, tapes, records, or any other digital media.

A jury (at least 3 internal & at least 1 external member) will select from the applicants during a two-day meeting based on the following selection criteria:

Is motivation or a reason noticeable why the Sasso Residency in Vairano is the right place for further artistic creation?
Do we sense resonance with “stay soft”?
Is there an interest in living together with the other cultural practitioners?
Is there an artistic relevance, a social, societal or political urgency?
Has the application form been filled out completely?
Did we receive the entire application on time, digitally or analogously?
Has the application fee been paid on time?
Is the analog application no larger than a large letter (up to B4: 35.3 x 25cm)?
Is the digital application no larger than 5 MB? -> please do not use time-related download links, for film material, use e.g. Vimeo

Application fee:
30 CHF Solo application
60 CHF group application

Residency fee (due only after acceptance):
250 CHF plus 2h gardening/week

We aim to be open and approachable. Our organization supports individuals residing in Switzerland with status F financially. If you are unable to cover the fees, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us.


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