The SNAG Educational Endowment Scholarship

The SNAG Educational Endowment exists to provide access to educational opportunities for students and professionals looking to broaden their education in the metalsmithing and jewelry field. For the 2024 funding cycle ending June 30, 2025, there is a total of $10,000 to be awarded to recipients. The Educational Endowment Scholarship Selection Committee will determine the number and amount of the awards, based on the strength of the applications.

The Educational Endowment Scholarship awards are designated by Student and Professional categories.

All awards are to be used toward a course of study in North America related to the jewelry and metals field and are intended to help expand the applicant’s practice. Award funds are paid directly to the recipient to cover costs of educational expenses. Recipients will be required to give an end of year report documenting the use of scholarship funds and how it benefited their metalsmithing and jewelry education. Each award also includes a one-year SNAG membership.

The Student category defines a student as being enrolled full-time or part-time in any educational program to include college, university, technical college, community college, non-traditional school, and/or any other degree, certificate or non-certificate granting program in North America. At least one (1) scholarship will be awarded to a student attending a two-year institution and at least one (1) scholarship will be awarded to a current undergraduate student.

The Professional Artist category defines a professional as someone who has not been enrolled in a degree or certificate program in the past 3 years but is actively seeking to expand their skill set through enrollment in a course of study in North America related to the jewelry and metals field. For the 2024 Educational Endowment Awards, no more than one scholarship will be awarded to a professional in academia and at least one scholarship will be awarded to a professional outside of academia.


Application opens: January 9

Info session: February 9, 5pm ET

Deadline: April 15

Awards announced: June 7

Scroll down to find the submission form.

Contact the EES Committee

The 2024 Scholarship Selection Committee members are Brian Fleetwood, Erica Bello, Tanya Crane and Alicia Goodwin.

Application Requirements

View a PDF preview of the submission form here. Scroll down for the submission form.

  • Images:
    • Applicants may submit a MAXIMUM of 8 digital images (including detail images), with a MINIMUM of 4 images.
    • Images MUST represent a minimum of 4 completed pieces.
    • Image files should be jpegs and must be a minimum of 300 dpi at 6 x 8 inches.
    • Please submit images that communicate scale, material, formal qualities, and important details.
    • Image descriptions: Please provide a description of how your intent behind the work is supported by the material, process, and formal qualities of the work. (150 words max for each image)
  • Letter of Intent: Applicants should clearly outline the educational opportunity the scholarship will support and how the opportunity will enhance their practice. To provide important context, please include a brief overview of your educational, professional, and life experiences that have influenced your practice, work, and goals. Please refer to eligibility requirements regarding what types of educational opportunities can be funded. (Limit 2000 characters. PDF only.)
  • CV: Including name, address, contact information, educational history, and work history. Include any awards, exhibitions or other scholarships you may have received. (PDF only)

Funding and Accountability

Funds will be paid directly to the recipient of the award for their stated educational goals. The recipient will be required to submit an end of year report clearly documenting how they used the scholarship funds. The report must include a written statement about how the award benefited the continued education of the recipient, receipts, and images of resulting work. Final reports must be submitted by June 30, 2025.

If you are uncertain of your eligibility pleasecontact the EES Committee.

All decisions of the Selection Committee are final. All work must be original. By completing this application the artist agrees that they are responsible for the creation of submitted works.

By submitting images for jurying you agree to the following:

  • SNAG has the right to retain, duplicate, and use these images for the purpose of marketing and for display.
  • Their images being used as stated here is without further contact or compensation from SNAG.
  • All terms and conditions set forth in this prospectus.

Award Criteria

Awards will be based on the thoroughness and thoughtfulness of the applicants’ portfolio and letter of intent.


Eligibility for Student Scholarships

  • Student applicants must be committed to a Jewelry or Metals program in North America for the 2024 funding cycle ending June 30, 2025.
  • Student is defined as being enrolled full-time or part-time in any educational program to include college, university, technical college, community college, non-traditional school, and/or any other degree, certificate or non-certificate granting program in North America.
  • Per the rules of the Educational Endowment Trust, only educational opportunities from certificate programs, degree granting institutions, non-profit educational institutions, and bench certification programs can be funded. For-profit businesses and private lessons cannot be funded.
  • Awards must be used for educational opportunities. Materials, tools and equipment may only be funded if the purchase is directly related to an educational opportunity.

Eligibility for Professional Artist Scholarships

  • Professional artists should have not been enrolled in a degree or certificate program in the past 3 years to qualify.
  • For the 2024 funding cycle, Professional applicants may enroll in a workshop or professional development in any educational program to include college, university, technical college, community college, non-traditional school, and/or any other degree, certificate or non-certificate granting program in North America.
  • For the 2024 Educational Endowment Awards, no more than one scholarship will be awarded to a professional in academia and at least one scholarship will be awarded to a professional outside of academia.
  • Per the rules of the Educational Endowment Trust, only educational opportunities from certificate programs, degree granting institutions, non-profit educational institutions, and bench certification programs can be funded. For profit businesses and private lessons can not be funded.
  • Awards must be used for educational opportunities. Materials, tools and equipment may only be funded if the purchase is directly related to an educational opportunity.

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