TSC provides annually 2–4 artists or working groups the opportunity for a residency period at TSC Studio in Helsinki. The objective of the residencies is to serve as a platform for multidisciplinary experiments and to support especially freelance-based artists and collectives – thus aiming for the development of the dance field as a whole. The residency is open to artists and groups working interdisciplinarily in the performing arts field, exploring embodied expression and who need a space for their artistic work.

Equipped with a unique audio system made possible by Genelec, TSC Studio also acts as a laboratory for sound design of the highest level. Therefore, one of the residencies each year is dedicated especially for work focusing on the relationship between sound and movement. In TSC’s sound residencies, the artists are able to utilise TSC Studio’s immersive sound system in its entirety.

Applications are now open for spring 2025 Studio Residency! The deadline for applications is 7th November at 4pm.

The call for spring 2025 TSC Studio Residency is open!

Do you work in the field of performing arts and with physical expression? Do you need a space for your creative process? Apply for TSC Studio Residency now!

TSC studio residency is ideal for creating or practicing a performance for the stage or for developing your own artistic practice through movement language or choreographic material. For the duration of the residency period, you’ll have TSC Studio’s bright, almost 200 square meter space to use for your artistic work.

TSC residencies are open to interdisciplinary creators in the performing arts field who work with physical expression. The call is open to creators of all backgrounds and stages in their careers — from emerging artists to more established ones. You can apply as a project-based working group or as a more established group or collective.

Interested? Let us hear from you! Applications are open until 7 November 4pm (EEST). Instructions below.

When and what?

The working period for the spring 2025 Studio Residency is 10–23 March, 2025 (weeks 11–12, 2 weeks total).

TSC Studio is located at the Cable Factory in Helsinki, Finland and artists selected for the residency get to use the studio free of charge. The Studio Residency working hours are mainly Mon–Fri 9–17 and weekends.

TSC staff will provide orientation to the practicalities of the residency before the residency period begins. In addition, residency artists will have the opportunity to receive mentoring from TSC’s artistic and production staff according to a separately agreed schedule.

During the residency, you’ll also have the chance to organize an audience interaction, which could be and open rehearsal, demo or artist talk – or something else you have in mind! Timetables and contents for a possible audience event are agreed on a case-by-case basis with TSC’s staff.

Please note that the studio residency does not include travel costs, accommodation nor salaries or fees, which are covered by the working group.

Technical details of the studio

The working group selected for the Studio Residency will have at their use TSC Studio’s permanent equipment. TSC Studio’s immersive sound system, provided by Genelec, will not be for use during the studio residency. It is also not possible for the working group to set up their own technical equipment in the Studio, nor bring a significant amount of set elements or other props.

Read more about the TSC Studio on this page. Find further technical details on the studio here.


To apply for the residency, fill out the application form.

The deadline for residency applications is Thursday 7 Nov at 16:00 (4pm, Finnish time GMT +2). The online form and attachments must be submitted before this deadline.


Decisions regarding the artists selected for the residency will be made by a workgroup comprised of TSC’s artistic and production staff. Diversity and equity will be taken into account in the decision-making process. We encourage applicants from diverse backgrounds to apply for the residencies.

Applications will be treated confidentially and individuals who handle and evaluate the applications will not share any information about either the applicants or the content of applications with third parties.

The selection criteria for applications are:

  • Original artistic thinking
  • Objectives for working
  • Feasibility of the project
  • New propositions for physical expression

Additionally, an orientation towards creating large-scale works and an interest in multi-disciplinary work are considered as advantages.

We will individually notify all applicants about the selections by December 2024.

For further information on the residency programme, applications and TSC Studio, please contact Head of Production Carita Weissenfelt. Phone enquires only on Thu 24 Oct and Tue 5 Nov between 10:00–11:00.

Carita Weissenfelt
Head of Production
+358 40 705 6808

Website link: https://terosaarinen.com/en/residencies/