VI International Biennial of Nude Prize Contest

Open call for the VI International Biennial of Nude “Marko Krstov Gregović”, in the organization of Public Institution Museums and galleries of Budva, Montenegro.

Small format Biennial of Nude will take place in July 2024 in the Memorial home “Crvena komuna” in Petrovac. Biennial is an award winning artistic competition, art works will be selected by the jury, and five awards and five commendations will be granted. All the relevant information about the Biennial can be found in the Instructions on website, and for all the additional information do not hesitate to contact us via official email address –

The call is open for all the artists from the country and abroad that accept and fulfill the conditions of participation.

Please check the below link for more details:

We kindly ask you to forward the information within your network, to visual artists / art photographers / painters / graphics and printmaking artists / sculptors/ who might be interested in applying for International biennial of fine art nude that will be held in Petrovac, Montenegro.

Please note the deadline for the application is March 15, 2024. 

Founder and organizer of the Sixth International Biennial of Fine Art Nude “Marko Krstov Gregović” in Petrovac, Montenegro is Memorial Home “Crvena komuna”, organizational unit of Public Institution Museums and Galleries of Budva. Biennale is an award winning artistic competition and the awarded works remain in the property of the organizer, that is, at the art collection of the “Marko Krstov Gregović” Gallery.


Only original artwork in all techniques and materials with the theme nude will be displayed in the Biennale, with the following dimensions:
– Dimension of paintings, drawings, graphics and photography are not to exceed format of 40 x 30 cm. Artwork is to be sent without the frames. If the frame is part of the artwork, artwork cannot exceed the dimension of 40 x 30 cm (with the frame);
– Dimension for sculpture is not to exceed format of 40 x 30 x 40 cm. If the plinth is part of the sculpture, the dimension cannot exceed the dimensions of 40 x 30 x 40 cm (with the plinth).
– Video work implies a short video format

Artist can apply with 1 (one) piece of work maximum.
Competition is open for all the academic artists from the all the countries of the world who accept the conditions of participation. Only original works, which the Selection Committee evaluates as the works of high artistic and professional achievement, will be accepted.  There is no restriction on the year in which the artwork was created. 

Application for the Open call is free of charge and selected artists will not pay registration fee for the participation in the Biennial.

During technical selection, the artwork that does not fulfil the requirements regarding the theme and format dimensions will not be taken into consideration.

Artists that wish to apply for participation can do so by filling out the Application form and mail it with the reproduction of the artwork they wish to display and the information about the author (short professional biography) to the following e-mail address:

The reproduction of the artwork should have high resolution JPG format (300dpi) and JPG file name must be titled with the surname first and then with the name of the artist or just artistic name.
Application form must be sent by March 15, 2024. 

Applications that are sent after the deadline will not be taken into consideration. After the selection process is completed, chosen artists will be notified in writing, via e-mail, by the first half of April, 2024.
Artists are obliged to notify the organizer about any potential changes that can affect realization of the exhibition.

Artists whose work has been selected for the Biennale are obliged to deliver the selected art work in by May 23rd, 2024 in person or by mail on the following address and with a remark:
VI International Biennale of the Fine Art Nude “Marko Krstov
Gregović“ Spomen dom “Crvena komuna”
Obala 111
85300 Petrovac

Artist bears the transportation costs and is responsible for delivery of his or hers work to the organizer. Artists outside of Montenegro are responsible for organizing the necessary documentation for export in their home countries and bear the customs and postal costs for the delivery of the artwork. The organizer is not liable for any damages to the works during transportation. Record of any potential damage will be immediately sent to the author by the organizer.

Art work that arrives in the determined time frame will be judged and selected by professional jury consisting of distinguished painters, art historians and art critics. Decisions of the jury are final and irrevocable. The jury also reserves the right not to assign all the awards if it considers that the works do not meet the requirements.

Exhibition of the VI International Biennale of the Fine Art Nude will be organized in gallery “Marko Krstov Gregović”, in the Memorial Home “Crvena komuna” in Petrovac. Exhibition will be opened from the July 9th until the October 9th 2024.

Organizer will complete production and publish representative bilingual catalogue of the exhibition of the VI International Biennale of the Fine Art Nude “Marko Krstov Gregovic“ with catalogue information and one reproduction in color of the exhibited work. Catalogue information will be taken from the Application form. Author renounces all compensation rights for the reproduction of the art work in the catalogue with a purpose of promotion and both the exhibitions and the participants. All participants will received one copy of catalogue.

Biennale is of a prize-winning character and five awards and five commendations will be
– for sculpture in material € 800;
– for painting € 800;
– for drawing € 800;
– for graphics € 800
– for photography / short video work € 800,00.

Special Grand Prix award in the amount of €1.500,00 will be given to one of the awarded artists from the five categories.
Jury reserves the right not to award prizes in all categories. Awarded artworks will remain in the property of the organizer as part of the art collection of the Gallery “Marko Krstov Gregović”.

Author can donate his or hers art work to the Biennale fund, that is, to the Memorial Home “Crvena komuna”, if he or she wishes to. Gift is irrevocable and unconditional. Organizer is obliged to properly document the art work in the documentation of the Institution and to
take proper care of it in the future.

The organizer shall bear the cost of returning the works by registered mail. If the artist wants to submit and to return his or hers work by courier mail (DHL, FedEx, etc.), then the author bears the cost of the courier mail. Organizer is responsible for the art work from the moment the artist hands over the art work in
person or from the moment it is delivered by the post office to the moment it is handed over in the post office and sent back to the author or when the artists takes it over in person at the end of the exhibition. In case of any damage while it is under the responsibility of the organizer, author will be financially compensated for the value of the art work, which will be determined by the Expert Commission for the Evaluation of Artistic Value. After the exhibition ends, art work will be returned to the participant by Montenegro Postal Service in the same condition it was in when it was delivered to the organizer plus one copy
of the exhibition catalogue. Organizer is not responsible for any potential damage of the art work during the transport carried out by mail. 

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