Wandsworth Arts Fringe 2024

Wandsworth Arts Fringe 2024

Wandsworth Arts Fringe is an open-access festival, which means that no matter who you are or where you come from, everyone is welcome!

Unlike other arts festivals, no-one’s in charge of deciding which shows get to take part. We don’t have curators or programmers, and there are no themes or content criteria that artists have to fulfil when registering their show. Anyone with a story to tell and a venue to host them is invited to take part in the wonderful world of WAF.

Filling out an Expression of Interest form is a non-committal way of telling us your plans and letting us know if you need any help or advice.

Wandsworth Arts Fringe is a proudly inclusive, open-access festival. We pride ourselves on being a testing ground for bold, experimental work, and we’re looking for professional and emerging artists who want to present their work to new audiences.
Plus, Wandsworth’s going for London Borough of Culture 2025 so we really want to showcase the fantastic creative home we live, work and play in with our most exciting, diverse programme yet.
Whatever kind of creative practitioner you are, if you want to try out new ideas, connect with creative networks and be part of something that thrills, moves and inspires audiences from across London and beyond, WAF wants you!
Express your interest online by 5pm on Thu 14 Dec 2023, or find out more about taking part via our website.
Filling out an Expression of Interest form is a non-committal way of telling us your plans and letting us know if you need any help or advice. You don’t need to have a clear idea of what you’d like to do, and we won’t hold it against you if your project does not come to fruition for any reason!

Need support? WAF offers up to £2,000 per project via our WAF Grants scheme to help fund project ideas that meet our strategic aims, plus the Wandsworth Grant Fund supports arts and culture projects taking place in the borough with awards of up to £10,000.
WAF also offers 50% off registration fees for artists under 26 or for artist collectives with over half of their members aged under 26.

You are only to committed to being part of WAF once you’ve confirmed the details of your event and officially paid and registered through My Fringe on our website. 

  • Expression of Interest deadline: Thursday 14 December 2023, 5pm.
  • Registrations open: Wednesday 6 December 2023
  • Registrations deadline:Friday 16 February 2024, 5pm.

For more information about taking part in WAF, click here.

Please note that by submitting this form, you are agreeing to receive email updates from Wandsworth Arts Fringe organisers (on behalf of Wandsworth Council). These emails will be solely related to WAF including information about key dates, deadlines, guidelines, networking opportunities etc. Your information will not be shared with any third parties. You can read our full privacy policy here.

Eligibility: International

Categories: Craft/Traditional Arts, Photography, Drawing, Film/Video/New Media, Mixed-Media/Multi-Discipline, Painting, Sculpture

Website link: https://www.wandsworthfringe.com/get-involved/expressions-of-interest

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