CALL FOR ILLUSTRATORS, COMIC & VISUAL ARTISTS is the platform for autonomous illustration, visual art, and literature in the Netherlands. It was established in 2015 by a small group of artists rooted in the absurdist tradition in the Southern Netherlands. organises the risoprinted quarterly Wobby, the two-week course To Riso or Not, the Wobby Workout, and many more projects.

Wobby magazine is on the lookout for fresh figurative, experimental, and humorous work for its upcoming quarterlies. Our scope is very narrow this time: we are looking for artists that focus on visual, comic and absurd storytelling, the trademark of Wobby!

Unlike our open calls in 2021 and 2022, this call is open to graduates and all other visual artists with or without a formal education, that fit the description above. We will not consider graphic design, sculpture, video, and performance art.

Interested? All you have to do is to submit a link to your portfolio and some personal details. If selected, we will award you with a paid commission for new work for Wobby magazine in 2023 or 2024.

– Deadline: Sunday 12 March 2023 –

website: Open Call 2023 —