WpZimmer Open Call
wpZimmer is hosting a residency program focused on performative practices and development. The application is open for collectives of artists/artworkers based in or related to Antwerp. We invite you to apply if you meet the following requirements… (1)what do we mean by ‘collective’?We invite already existing, new and temporary collectives to apply for this open call. A collective […]
wpZimmer is hosting a residency program focused on performative practices and development. The application is open for collectives of artists/artworkers based in or related to Antwerp.
We invite you to apply if you meet the following requirements…
- you are collective(1) of artists/artworkers;
- you are based in or related to Antwerp(2);
- you are looking for a space to experiment with different ways of working together and sharing practices;
- you have a performative practice(3) in development(4);
- you have a process-oriented approach;
- you want to engage in conversations with wpZimmer, as in thinking together and looking for ways to reflect and document about your work
(1)what do we mean by ‘collective’?
We invite already existing, new and temporary collectives to apply for this open call. A collective consists of min. 3 artists that have a shared practice, a common practice or individual practices related to each other. Do you want to come together to share a space and experiment collectively.
(2)what do we mean by ‘related to Antwerp’?
By ‘related to Antwerp’ we mean, having studied/worked/taught here, having family/community here or having a practice related to the city.
(3)what do we mean by ‘performative practices’?
Performative practiceswork with and through, responding to and affected by communities, worlds, realities and surroundings. Performative practices are living relationships.
(4)what do we understand by ‘development’?
By ‘development’, we understand:
a) development can be a phase within an artistic project, a phase within a linear trajectory towards an end result (research and development, production, presentation…);
b) development can be an integral ongoing/continuous driver within process-based practices that have a circular trajectory.
During the development phase a form (either as a discipline or a medium) does not have to be predefined. Instead, it can emerge/appear, or deviate, change and transform from the initial artistic vision.
As residents at wpZimmer you become part of our space: we invite you to cohabit the living area, kitchen, outdoor courtyard as well as the workspaces and accommodation.
What do we offer?
- 4 residency slots, each of 6 weeks per collective, including 5 days to focus on documentation and reflection with the support of the wpZimmer team.
Residency slots are:
✧ 2 June – 11 July 2025,
✧ 1 September – October 10 2025,
✧ 13 October – 21 November 2025,
✧ 24 November – 19 December 2025
- 2 workspaces, each equipped for specific needs:
- A technical-equipped Studio space of approx. 18m x 17m
- A medium sized Atelier space with limited technical equipment, also adapted to physical practices of approx. 4m x 13m
(The collective will be responsible for the assignment of the spaces according to their schedule and practices.)
- Shared accommodation for max. 6 people per residency slot.
- A financial contribution of €5000 excl. VAT per collective. (This budget is managed by the collective).
- Beyond the workspace, accommodation and financial contribution, wpZimmer opens up its community and network as well as its knowledge. We offer technical, financial and communication support as well as professional advice in terms of artistic feedback from our artistic team.
How to apply?
On September 1st 2024 we will open a google form for submissions. The open call will be closed by the 30th of September 2024. We will allow a maximum of 100 applications.
Please use the Google Form to submit your application via our online (active from 01.09 until 30.09). This can be in English or Dutch. Applications that are sent by e-mail will not be taken into consideration.
We advise you to prepare your application beforehand, as the contents of the form cannot be saved before submission.
In the application form you’ll be asked to submit/fill in the following:
- Personal information of each member of the collective indicating who’s the representative for the follow-up communication (names, pronouns, city and country of residency, phone number)
- In which one of the residency slots are you available (we advise you to select as many as you can)
- Your artistic proposal uploaded as pdf: a bio (max. 4000 characters) and a clear overview of your proposal for this residency answering the questions listed below (max. 4000 characters)
- Describe your individual and/or collective practices.
- Explain clearly why you want to work collectively.
- Give us an insight of your planning for this residency (per week for example).
- What kind of exchange with wpZimmer do you envision?
- Why do you want to work at wpZimmer?
Planning on submitting a video or audio application? You can do this by linking us to the material in the Google Form. (max.10 min.)
The link to the Google Form will be published online on September 1st at 9h00 (CET, Central European Time).
Selection process and deadline:
The deadline of the call is 30/09/2024 at 23h59 (CET, Central European Time). You can expect an answer about your application in November 2024.
The external jury members will be announced in September.
Website link: https://wpzimmer.be/en/open-call-2025/