Short Description

We are pleased to offer the Greenwich House Pottery Artist Residency, a program designed to support artists’ projects. Our goal is to open up our facility to give experienced ceramic artists the means to create a project they might not be able to carry out elsewhere and to give artists who are newer to ceramics the opportunity to use our resources to develop a body of work in this medium. Greenwich House Pottery (GHP) invites artists, craftspeople, designers, and architects to apply. We aim to offer support and encouragement to expand the field of contemporary ceramics.



GHP accepts applications from artists at any level of ceramics skill. The sole criterion for acceptance is artistic excellence, which the Pottery defines in a pluralistic and inclusive way. We encourage applications from artists representing the widest possible range of perspectives and demographics and welcome artists engaging in the broadest spectrum of artistic practice and investigation. To that end, emerging as well as established artists are invited to apply. Applicants who are in a degree program as of the date of application are ineligible for a residency.


How to Apply

Online Application


Program Benefits & Awards:

Resident artists are given the exclusive use of a 12’ x 12’ studio within a community arts space and access to GHP’s technical and material resources for the duration of their residency. Depending on grant funding, residents will receive an honorarium and additional financial support may be available in the form of firing credit and/or a GHP class. Residents are selected based on an individual’s overall practice as an artist, with consideration for how they might fit into Greenwich House Pottery’s environment and contribute to the organization’s growth and public engagement. Residents can either be artists who have demonstrated a sustained and lasting involvement in the field of ceramics or artists who have not been formally trained in ceramics but who are seeking an opportunity to create a body of work in the material. There is one artist in residence at a time.


Entry Fee:




New York, United States



  • Application Deadline: 1 April 2025
  • Most residencies last 1 – 3 months.


Website Link: