Maquette pour un paravent en tapisserie, Elie Maingonnat, Cité internationale de la tapisserie
The Cité internationale de la tapisserie in Aubusson, with the support of Haltra Communities, is launching a call for projects on the theme:
“The Echo Chamber 1925 – 2025, woven space:
Woven objects fair, decorative arts paradise or contemporary period room? ».


Short Description

The Cité internationale de la tapisserie in Aubusson has been pursuing a creative policy for the past twelve years, promoting this know-how, classified as Unesco’s Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, and at the same time enriching the museum’s contemporary collection collection.

Eva Nielsen, Clément Cogitore, Mathieu Mercier, Marie Sirgue, El Seed, Raphaël Barontini, Amélie Bertrand, Thomas Bayrle, among others, winners of the various calls for projects, have created textile works whose amplarness, deployments and diversity salute tapestry as a contemporary artistic medium.

With the same energy, the creation of two large tapestries around the works of J.R.R. Tolkien and Hayao Miyazaki extend the history of textile imaginations into tapestries of monumental proportions. A public artistic commission in progress “Hommage à George Sand”, entrusted to Françoise Pétrovitch, will project the medium of tapestry into the world of monumental installation.

The Cité de la tapisserie, in a logic of research and development, continues to enthusiastically explore the artistic writing of its textile identity and deploys the tapestry medium again and elsewhere. As the Cité is currently doing with Gaspar Willmann and his work woven in jacquard, a pictorial tribute to a historical figure of the territories of Nouvelle-Aquitaine.

Historically, the tapestry carries the program of a narrative, of an assumed figuration that develops in the interior, domestic space, a subject represented and given to read. The decorative place and function of woven objects are central to the distribution of living rooms. Finally, tapestry, as a living medium of creation, has been enamored to update its writing in line with new models of reality: an echo chamber of the world’s images and thoughts. In the perspective of the 100th anniversary, in 2025, of the great international exhibition of decorative arts in Paris, that of 1925, the 2025 call for projects invites artists to think of images woven in constellation on the surfaces of a space.



The call for creation projects of the Cité internationale de la tapisserie in Aubusson aims to bring contemporary tapestry textile writing to the knowledge and desire of artists, including emerging, new, or recently graduated artists.

The following can apply to this call for projects:

– artists and creators with professional status

– young artists in one of the following categories: graduates of the design, architecture, landscape, graphic design, photography, style, fashion, arts, applied arts, decorative arts, pupils or students of the same courses, enrolled in a master’s degree or a doctoral cycle, in one of the courses mentioned in the previous point.

The duration of the contract is 30 months from the date of notification of the contract to the holders who came in 1st, 2nd and 3rd place at the end of the final selection and 22 months for the 9 non-award-winning designers who made their model available.

▪ Artists and creators with professional status, as well as young people entering one of the following frameworks, may compete for this call for projects:
– graduates for less than 7 years, from courses in design, architecture, landscape, graphics, photography, style, fashion, arts, applied arts, decorative arts, etc.
– students or pupils of the same courses, registered in a master’s or doctoral cycle, in one of the sectors mentioned in the previous point.
 The application will be submitted by a single candidate or by a group for which a single representative must be designated. This single representative will be the main contact of the Joint Syndicate.
 The same person may not represent more than one candidate for the same contract.
 Candidates are prohibited from submitting several projects by acting at the same time:
– As individual candidates and members of one or more groups;
– As members of several groups.
No form of grouping is required.
For any grouping, a single representative with the authority to compete must be designated.


Submission Requirements

– a justification of the capacity to compete (e.g., affiliation to the Maison des artistes, certificate of social contributions, sworn statement of exercise of the activity, etc.);
– a cover letter from the creator, with his presentation (CV + references) and completed by a description of the artistic intention;
– a list with photographs, publications or monographs of his main references;
– one or more documents: pre-model, cardboard, photograph, drawing, computer graphics, etc., outlining the artistic proposal.


How to Apply

online Application


Program Benefits & Awards:

  • 1st prize winner €15,000 including VAT;
  • 2nd Winner €10,000 including VAT;
  • 3rd winner €6,000 incl. VAT


Entry Fee:







Application Deadline: 21 March 2025


Website Link: Les actus de la cité – APPEL A PROJETS RELATIF A LA CREATION DE MAQUETTES D’ENSEMBLES MOBILIERS | Cité internationale de la tapisserie – Aubusson