Short Description

Ruy de Clavijo Scholarships call, organized and financed jointly by Casa Asia and the University of Cádiz, through CUNEAC- International University Center for Eastern Europe and Central Asia of the Vice-Rectorate for Internationalization, aims to award four (4) scholarships to carry out research projects and cultural and academic cooperation related to Central Asia (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan, as well as Afghanistan, Iran and Mongolia) in the fields of cultural, educational, economic and socio-political action.

The Ruy de Clavijo Scholarships are part of the Central Asia Observatory of Casa Asia and the University of Cádiz, which aims to facilitate the rapprochement between Central Asia and Spain from the political, economic and academic spheres.



To be eligible for this grant, applicants must meet the following requirements:
a) Be a Spanish national or a national of another member country of the European Union.
b) Present a project to be carried out during the grant period (from June 15, 2025 to May 31, 2026), the result of which has a clear application and a final physical or practical support, such as, for example, exhibitions, cultural events, documentaries,
publications, studies, etc., the dissemination of which will be handled by Casa Asia and the Vice-Rectorate for Internationalization
(CUNEAC Center) of the University of Cádiz. The material resulting from
the project will bear the logos of Casa Asia and the University of Cádiz. If the
project is published, Casa Asia must be provided with the file, link or several copies
if it is a paper publication.

c) The programs or activities resulting from the project will be under the supervision of Casa Asia and the CUNEAC Center. In all cases, the collaboration of Casa Asia and the CUNEAC Center of the University of Cadiz in the implementation of the project must be expressly stated.
Applicants may be one or more people, provided that the same research project is being developed and one of the two people meets the requirement of point a)


Submission Requirements

a) Application form.
b) Photocopy/ies of the DNI/NIE or passport.
c) Photocopy/ies of the university degrees or other degrees in which you are in possession, or failing that, detailed certifications from the centers where they have been studied.
d) Curriculum/s
e) Preliminary project specifying the objectives, method, work plan, budget of expenses derived from its execution and the expected result of the work to be carried out during the period of enjoyment of the aid and the reasons for requesting said aid.
f) Responsible declaration that the totality of the financial aid will be used only and exclusively to successfully complete the project for which the aid is requested.
g) Letters of recommendation from recognized experts or professionals and/or institutions that endorse the project will be positively valued.
h) If the applicant is in possession of any other type of scholarship or financial aid for the same purpose, he/she must indicate the institution that grants it, the reason and the amount of the same.


How to Apply

Online Application


Program Benefits & Awards:

It consists of 4 scholarships with an endowment of €3,000 each for the period from June 15, 2025 to May 31, 2026.


Entry Fee:




Madrird, Spain



  • Application Date: 31 May 2025


Website Link: