Short Description

The San Diego Watercolor Society was established in 1965 and is one of the largest and most active
water-media societies in the United States. Its International Exhibition is recognized globally for the
highest standard of excellence in water-based art. The San Diego Watercolor Society Gallery is in Liberty
Station at 2825 Dewey Road, Suite 105, San Diego, California 92106, (619) 876-4550.



• Open to artists 18 years and older.
• Entries must be original, created entirely by the artist
 The source of the idea, design, and composition must be wholly original and painted by hand,
not derived from any published images.
 Photo reference material must have been taken by the artist and not copies or likenesses of
another artist’s work.
• Paintings must be water-based media (watercolor, acrylic, gouache, casein, or tempera) on paper,
synthetic paper, paperboard, wrapped canvas, or cradled wood panel.
• No water soluble (miscible) oils are allowed.
• Collage, using papers painted in water-based media by the artist, is acceptable.
• Non-water-based media may be integrated but cover no more than 20% of the painting (no oils).
• Works of art divided into panels (ex. Diptychs and Triptychs) are not permitted.
• No digital art, AI generated, workshop/class art, art created under supervision, photography, prints, or
reproductions will be accepted.
• The painting submitted must have been completed on or after January 1, 2023.
• The painting may not have received an award in any national or international shows.
• Painting may not have been in any previous SDWS International Exhibition.
• Artists are responsible for ensuring their paintings and entry images are free of copyright
infringement and for resolving any copyright issues that arise.
• Paintings altered in any way after entry is submitted will be disqualified.

How to Apply

• All entries must be submitted through the website
• Up to three entries are allowed. Follow the instructions on the International Exhibition entry page.
• You must have an SDWS account to enter.


Program Benefits & Awards:

The Exhibition will be held in our beautiful Gallery in the Arts District, Liberty Station. This year’s juror is award-winning artist Kathleen Conover, AWS, NWS, TWSA. $20,000 in cash and merchandise awards are anticipated. $6,000 First Prize.


Entry Fee:

The Entry Fee (non-refundable) is payable through the entry screen with PayPal or Credit Card
• Members: $45 first entry; $15 each additional entry
• Non-Members: $55 first entry; $15 each additional entry
• You may choose to join SDWS before beginning the entry process to take advantage of member
pricing. Link:



San Diego, US



Application Deadline: 18 May 2025

Exhibition Time: September 28 – October 31, 2025


Website Link: San Diego Watercolor Society 45th International Exhibition