Submit Open Call
you would like to submit your contest, please send the following information to us:
- A brief description of your Open Call
- poster
- Category (Visual art, Performance, Mixed media, Photography, Texile Art and …)
- Eligibility (International, National, Female, LGBTQ and…)
- Deadline and any important times
- Application fee (if any)
- Information about your organization
- Details about the awards offered
- Contact info
- Any additional information that you think is important for artists to know
Before submitting, please note that we have a few guidelines in place to ensure that all the opportunities listed on our site are of the highest quality. Here are a few things to keep in mind:
- Your contest should require some kind of creative effort from the participants.
- The awards offered by your contest should not be gift cards, reward coupons, or other substitutes for cash prizes.
- By submitting your contest, you agree that your data will be made available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0) License.
- Please double check that your contest is not already listed on Artinfoland before submitting.
Please keep in mind that we reserve the right to not list a submitted contest if it does not meet our quality standards. Our goal is to provide high-quality content for our users, and we work hard to ensure that all the opportunities listed on our site are of the highest caliber.
For contact us send email to