Short Description

ZONE is an independent book publisher and photography based visual arts platform run by its founder, Ali. Started in the summer of 2018 as a personal research project, the aim of ZONE is to cultivate a variety of dialogues between artists and their audience, as well as supporting them with printed and online publications. We make monographs, artists’ books and other collective creatures.



We are photography based, our call is open worldwide to all types of visual arts; photography, painting, illustration, sculpture, design, film stills, etc. Basically anything printable in a book. No restrictions in terms of age, accomplishments, approach… You can send images from one or more projects but note that they will still be considered individually. There is no specific theme.

Submission Requirements

1. Name your files as: First name_Last name_Number.jpg. Example: Claude_Cahun_01, Claude_Cahun_02…

2. Image resolution: No more than 2MB per image

3. MAX 15 images

4. Add your IG username


How to Apply

Online Application


Program Benefits & Awards:

Winners get published in ZONE’s 4th collective book with a high quality offset print amongst visual artists from all around the world. Also, we will share our favorite works on social media throughout & after the call even if they don’t make it in the book. Artists selected for the book will also have the chance to buy as many copies as they wish at 50% off.


Entry Fee:

The submission fee is 10€ for 15 images.





  • Application Deadline: 31 March 2025
  • Notification Date: 1 May 2025


Website Link: