Dek Unu Magazine publishes and promotes fine art photography exclusively. Unlike anthology-style magazines, we publish only one artist per issue. We are highly artist-centric; each edition is themed and curated by the artist, not the editorial staff. Along with 11 images, Dek Unu emphasizes each artist’s words – each issue includes an artist’s commentary for each image and an in-depth interview. Additional images from the artist are included in the interview section to add context, depth, and texture to readers’ understanding of the artist and the work. Please read and follow the guidelines carefully – the details matter.
Photography and lens-involved hybrids only. Photomontage, alt- , heritage, photo mixed  media, heavy post processing, and experimental techniques are okay. Please: no digital painting, algorithmic, cameraless, or other non-photo based art.Send 11 web-resolution images as 11 separate files attached to a single email to:dekunumag (at) gmail (dot) com72 ppi, .jpg. 1280 pixels (max) on longer side.  No zips, dropbox, shared folders, or other transfer methods, please. Name the image files exactly as follows:
  • Image sequence number  —  01-11 order in portfolio   (plus)
  • Artist’s last name                                                                    (plus)
  • Underscore                                                                              (plus)
  • Image_title  (separate words with an underscore)
If your name is Ed Weston, the first two files in your list of attached files would be named:
  • 01Weston_Cabbage_Leaf.jpg
  • 02Weston_Point Lobos,_1938.jpg  –  (etc.)
Issues and interviews are in English; written facility is required.(Submit all text in  .doc, .docx, .odt, or .rtf only. No .pdf, no .pages, please.)CV/Bio:Academic and Life lessons; introduce yourself to friendly strangers.Project Commentary: Almost nobody likes to write or read a traditional “artist’s statement,” so please use the bio and commentary docs to tell your story in detail. Tell what you believe is important to this project, your practice, and your life in and out of the arts. Unlike others, Dek Unu imposes no word count limit on your story.  Please write in personal, accessible terms and avoid excessive jargon. Our jurors evaluate both the docs and the images to decide on each feature.


Submission Periods (11 editions/year)Issue                Submission DeadlineSeptember                  July 1–20October                     August 1–20November              September 1–20December                October 1–20January                   November 1–20February                December 1–20March                      January 1–20April                        February 1–20May                           March 1–20June & July                 April 1–20Please see Terms of Publication hereWebsite link: