ERC AGRELITA Project, University of Caen, Caen, France Application Deadline: February 15th, 2025 Residency Duration: 4 to 6 weeks between May and July 2025 Grant: Up to €2,000 per month + travel expenses

The ERC Advanced Grant AGRELITA Project at the University of Caen Normandy is offering research residencies for 2025. This opportunity is open to PhD holders in literature, art history, or history, focusing on the history of books, cultural and political history, visual studies, or memory studies. Researchers will contribute to the project “The reception of ancient Greece in pre-modern French literature and illustrations of manuscripts and printed books (1320-1550)”.

Key Benefits:

  • Monthly grant of up to €2,000 based on receipts for accommodation, transport, and meal costs.
  • Travel expenses: €400 for European residents, €1,200 for non-European residents.
  • Residency at the University of Caen Normandy, providing access to rich collections in nearby libraries, museums, and archives.

Research Focus: In 2025, AGRELITA will emphasize research on:

  • The new lives of Greek divinities (14th-16th centuries)
  • Images of nature and beings in the reception of Greek myths (14th-16th centuries)
  • Political exploitations of Greek antiquity (14th-16th centuries)
  • Broader research on the uses and exploitations of antiquity memories from the beginning of the era until the 21st century.


  • Write and publish a paper (max. 50,000 characters).
  • Present your research during a seminar.
  • Contribute to the AGRELITA Hypotheses academic blog.

How to Apply: Submit a completed application form and a 2-page research project by February 15th, 2025.

Website link: AGRELITA Research Residencies.