LoosenArt is an online gallery and platform dedicated to contemporary visual arts, born and based on principles of contemporaneity, the very same principles in which contact, connection and exchange are prerogatives of a cultural evolution supported by a technology that is the expression of an interest to find new channels to relate freely and more directly to the others, an interest to demonstrate an innate need of human contact, where meetings are always something which give rise to something else.The LoosenArt project provides a space where art finds further support of its role, of its deeper meaning, of it being a channel through which man relates with others, with the world and reality. Being in contact with all of this, means being linked, feeling and grasping what is originated from all reality, so it also means feeling what today we perceive as an emergency, that need to answer and to measure. Due to this reason LoosenArt supports some organizations engaged in the field of environmental protection.The LoosenArt Gallery Artwork offers are not covered by commercial logic widespread in the contemporary art system, where the value of the same artwork reflects the costs to possess it. Our offers are the expression of an interest to reach a common goal, that both the gallery and its artists share. A value, which even more importantly, can be traced in the recognition of a principle rooted in the natural urge to communicate and participate, in response to that innate need for meeting others.Website link: https://www.loosenart.com/pages/calls
ECHOES OF YESTERDAYCall for Exhibition – Accepted media: Photography, Digital Visual Design, VideoGroup Exhibition in Rome city, Italy. February 2025FREE ENTRY Photographers, visual designers and video artists are invited to submit 1 up to 3 works addressing the theme.The collection that will be presented at LoosenArt’s next exhibition will be dedicated to the memories and experiences of the past. Fragments of yesterday inviting us to reflect on what has been, who we were and changes in the state of things. The theme is open to works that involve us on different levels of existence, and tell about the self, about one’s own life and biography, but also about “us” and our collective memory, through the historical documentation of our culture, of our spaces, habits and customs.
The call “Echoes of Yesterday” will collect photographic, digital and video works capable of involving the visitor in a wide spectrum of emotions, stimulating interest and curiosity.Deadline December 3, 2024 │SUBMIT HERE
.FOUND AND DISCOVEREDCall for Exhibition – Accepted media: Photography, Digital Visual Design, VideoGroup Exhibition in Rome city, Italy. April 2025FREE ENTRY Photographers, visual designers and video artists are invited to submit 1 up to 3 works addressing the theme.For more than a century, photography has been used as a documentary medium to detect the signs of human passage in our surroundings. The use of photographic, and subsequently even video, media allows the focus of attention to be placed on the single object or trace “discovered”, from which information about human behavior can be captured .
One of the major changes that occurred during the early years of the twentieth century in the field of aesthetic phenomenology is, as a matter of fact, determined by the introduction of these new means of detection of reality, means that consent us to adopt a new way of grasping from reality the elements that we believe useful in the creation of a discourse.
Grasping and analyzing also means to extrapolate from a context the objects that interest us, found objects that become compositional elements in a new expression of the self.
Not only objects, but also places can reveal something that we consider significant for history and science, for our collective memory and our individual memory.
The call is open to photographic, video and visual digital works, that present themselves as the result of an expression of research, discovery, valorization, analysis or critique, revealing what we seize from human and natural environmental contexts.Deadline January 20, 2025 │SUBMIT HERE
SCENES FROM REAL LIFECall for Exhibition – Accepted media: Photography, Digital Visual Design, VideoGroup Exhibition in Rome city, Italy. May 2025FREE ENTRY Photographers, visual designers and video artists are invited to submit 1 up to 3 works addressing the theme.“Scenes from Real Life”, this is the setting for the works at the next collective exhibition curated by LoosenArt. These scenes, represented or documented through photographic media, video and digital tools, can refer to any type of setting and context.
This call’s aim is to collect works that describe places of a narration or an event, works that tell moments of life that are lived in first or third person and that, in the explicit visual exposition, emphasize the drama, the absurdity, the comedy, the aspects of interpersonal and environmental relations that express meanings that affect us emotionally.Deadline February 23, 2025 │SUBMIT HERE
A SCIENTIFIC APPROACH: Visual Documents and Creative Investigation Methods
Call for Exhibition – Accepted media: Photography, Digital Visual Design, VideoGroup Exhibition in Rome city, Italy. June 2025FREE ENTRY Photographers, visual designers and video artists are invited to submit 1 up to 3 works addressing the theme.For centuries now, the close relationship between art and science has offered new prospects in exploring and understanding reality through a dialogue that combines the observation, analysis, reflection and expression of human experiences, a dialogue that promotes new creative and experimental approaches to the investigative processes.
In the era of technical reproducibility, the use of photographic or video media and new technologies has become a fundamental practice in the development of artistic practices: starting from the Dadaist experiences, throughout the pop art period all the way to the contemporary artistic phenomenology, we have important testimony that confirm an increasingly closer link between art, technology and science.
An important shift in the field of research has occurred with the advent of photography, as with it the approach to scientific , historical, geographical and anthropological documentation has changed, elaborate systematic methods of cataloging have been developed, and these contribute to the creation of new visual and informative aesthetics by which contemporary artists are influenced.
This call will bring together works that express an interest in observation, documentation, data collection and representation, and expression of aesthetic harmony that stimulates curiosity for science.Deadline March 26, 2025 │SUBMIT HERE
RITUALSCall for Exhibition – Accepted media: Photography, Digital Visual Design, VideoGroup Exhibition in Rome city, Italy. July 2025FREE ENTRY Photographers, visual designers and video artists are invited to submit 1 up to 3 works addressing the theme.The photographic, digital and video works that will be selected for the collective exhibition scheduled for July 2025 and curated by LoosenArt will be focused on the theme of rites. Here the rite is understood as a recurrent practice, conducted with seriousness and commitment through a prescribed procedure that gives it validity.
Since the origins of rites among primitive and tribal peoples we have visual testimonies of their executions, and images sometimes become indispensable means to symbolize deities, spirits and other supernatural entities to make the forces they evoke concrete.
For centuries art has been strongly linked to ritual practices, and even today, through the documentary function of new media, we have evidence of performance and artistic practices related to them.
The call is open to works related to ritual practices that testify to its wider functions, from sacred to social ones, and from the intimistic and family-biographical to psychological and introspective ones.Deadline April 29, 2025 │SUBMIT HERE
NORTHERNNESSCall for Exhibition – Accepted media: Photography, Digital Visual Design, VideoGroup Exhibition in Rome city, Italy. September 2025FREE ENTRY Photographers, visual designers and video artists are invited to submit 1 up to 3 works addressing the theme.This call is open to all artists working with photography, video, and digital techniques who are interested in experiencing “Northernness.” The theme, which is intentionally broad, invites artists to engage with either the geographic—everything connected to ‘the North’—or an imagined place, shaped by mythology, imagination, and fantasy.
What is the North, and how can it be represented or perceived through images and visual arts?Deadline June 1, 2025 │SUBMIT HERE
RESONANCE OF SELFCall for Exhibition – Accepted media: Photography, Digital Visual Design, VideoGroup Exhibition in Rome city, Italy. October 2025FREE ENTRY Photographers, visual designers and video artists are invited to submit 1 up to 3 works addressing the theme.The expression and the external reception of the “self” is always manifested in the same measure that one comes into contact with their environment or with others, through the transmission and the “resonances” of their own perceptions and emotions.
In the exhibition “Resonance of Self” photography, video and digital art will make this idea theirs, elaborating new visions that are able to propagate on the visual field information about our being and our standing in the world.Deadline July 4, 2025 │SUBMIT HERE
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