Short Description

Prairie Ronde is hosted by The Mill at Vicksburg, a redevelopment project of the former Lee Paper Company mill, in the historic village of Vicksburg, Michigan.

We provide artists from a range of disciplines a 5 – 6 week residency with the goal of engaging with The Mill and its surrounding 80 acres of property. We have three residency sessions per year: Spring, Summer and Fall.

We’re looking for individuals who are highly independent, engaged and curious. We do not limit our residency to any specific medium, but rather are looking for diverse artists who can creatively interact with The Mill.


We host three sessions annually and accept 2 – 4 residents per session. Accepted residents receive a stipend of $2,000 for 5 – 6 weeks, a $500 travel grant and private housing. We work with residents to share their work with the community (a gallery show, public workshop or other).


The goal of our residency is to bring artists who will engage directly with The Mill in the creation of their work. Because of this, it is difficult for us to serve writers who are looking to complete projects that are already in progress.


However, we have accepted writers who are open to creating new works that are directly related to The Mill and the surrounding area of Vicksburg.



We encourage international artists to apply, but international artists are responsible for obtaining their own visas to come to the United States. Most artists can come on a visitor visa, but certain countries do participate in the visa waiver program. Because the process can take some time, make sure to check the visa appointment wait times.


If accepted, we are able to provide letters of invitation.



Program Benefits or Awards

$2,000 stipend upon completion of the residency

$500 travel grant

Private housing

Gallery show in downtown Vicksburg

Video documentation

Membership to the Mug Club at the Distant Whistle Brewery


Theme & Responsibilities

Prairie Ronde is a process-based residency. Our aim is for independently driven artists to explore and grow their craft while creatively engaging with the space that we have to offer. While we are process-based, we ask that artists donate a piece of work produced during their time at the residency to our permanent collection.




(March 15 – May 31)

Accepting Applications – September 1

Applications Due – December 1

Selections Announced – January 15



(June 1 – August 31)

Accepting applications – December 15

Applications Due – March 1

Selections Announced – April 1



(September 15 – December 20)

Accepting applications – March 15

Applications Due – June 15

Selections Announced – July 30


Entry Fee:

25 $



USA (Vicksburg)



March 1, 2025


Website link:


Apply link: