Multiple Disciplines

December 3, 2023
12:00 am
We are launching today the second call for XR artistic projects in the context of Realities in Transition. The selected artist(s) will be offered a residency at iMAL in March/April 2024, under the mentorship of the immersive performance pioneers of CREW Brussels....
December 12, 2023
12:00 am
The “Beautiful | Grotesque” art competition invites artists to delve into the fascinating interplay between beauty and grotesqueness, exploring the inherent tension and harmony that exists within these seemingly contrasting concepts. This theme encourages participants to challenge conventional notions of...
The Blu-Sky Artist Award (BSAA) is an online international semi-annual prize put forward by Ten Moir Gallery. Through this award, the gallery aims to recognize and encourage upcoming talented artists from across the world and provide them with a platform...
Located on the sixth floor of the Museum and open to the public, the Artist Studios at MAD is a community engagement and professional development program for contemporary artists and designers. The first program of its kind, the Artist Studios opportunity is designed...
Anderson Center nurtures a vibrant artist community based at Tower View, an expansive Historic Site and natural area in Red Wing, Minnesota. Founded in 1995, the Anderson Center has renovated and restored Tower View’s historic buildings to support working artists...
Party as Form Art Residency in Oslo, Norway
Developed with artist Harold Offeh, residency 29 For real? addresses ideas of authenticity and identity in art and society.  Contemporary media are permeated by misleading content that serves motives of financial and personal gain. Within this economy, authenticity – the...
High Concept Labs Artist Residency
High Concept Labs (HCL) has provided residencies to over 300 artists and artistic groups across genres and disciplines. We are committed to providing an accessible residency environment that enables experimentation, discovery, exchange, and risk. The Artist in Residence (AIR) program...
Between 1 September and 1 October 2023, interested artists can apply for the Rijksakademie residency that starts September 2024. Application deadline: 1 October (23:59 hours CET), 2023 The Rijksakademie offers a two-year international residency programme to around fifty artists that...
Mais Imaginarius is a section that aims to give space to emerging artists willing to show their work, through a competition for artistic creations specific for the public place. The competition opens the challenge for artists to present proposals that address...
MAKE Southwest, in partnership with GF Smith and Paper Artist Collective, is inviting applications to be part of this exciting exhibition which aims to show the huge variety of applications and techniques in use across the world of contemporary paper,...